
The process of independence of Chile, is the process in which our country may be free ...
From the power of a large, able to form their own republic.
Such a process had many missteps, many battles and many heroes fighting for their own freedom.
This process was officially on February 12th, 1818, but the independence process was initiated bewteen 1810 with the First Government meeting and 1823 with the abdication of Bernardo O'Higgins.
Among these events occurred many years as the Reconquista and the New Nation, processes in which King Fernando VII returned to the power again and the Spanish end all this movement and the New Nation, which takes power Bernardo O'Higgins, murder José Miguel Carrera and his brothers, and finally to abdicate Bernardo O'Higgins.
This little blog is going to talk about all the heroes of our country and some other characters that were also relevant in this process.

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